Squick List

Lolicon/Shotacon/especially toddlercon/Underaged NSFW
It makes me uncomfortable. )': I won't heckle you or anything, it just makes me uncomfortable, yeah?
Pro Harassment Campaigns
Please, go outside. Touch some grass. Eat the grass. Do something, 'cause caring that much about some random online is not normal...
Fictional incest, eating people and NSFW with animals, feral, etc
Same logic as the first one.
Basically, if I mute you or block you, please don't take it as me saying you're anything horrid. Heck, get a friend to ask if you want, if you feel it's a mistake. You are free to counter block, too.
Bigotry is not tolerated.
This is a blanket statement. But you get the gist.
Bigotry and stalking harassment campaigns are zero tolerance.
"Yeah but only--" No. Zero tolerance. Shoo. I don't care if you want to give me a monstrously huge essay on why you feel you should be allowed to do whatever... I don't f with that, as the youth says.